일명 Notorious RBG로 유명한 루스 베이더 긴즈버그 (RUTH BADER GINSBURG)미국 연방대법관이 작년에 타계 기사를 읽고, 한동안 잊고 있었는데 도서관에 루스 베이더 긴즈버그 책이 있어서 반가운 마음에 빌려왔습니다. WHO WAS 시리즈가 오디오 파일이 보통 있는데 없어서 부득이하게 책을 읽었는데, 내용이 간결하고 1968년 전후로 변화하는 미국의 인권 역사에 대해 쉽게 접근할 수가 있었습니다.
An Immigrant Family_1900’s : Ruth’s father had been born in Ukraine. Nathan was forbidden from going to school there because he was Jewish. Ruth’s mother, Celia , had been a brilliant student herself, but Celia’s father thought college was wasted on a girl. After marry with him, she stayed home to raise her two daughter.
A Woman’s Right to vote : It wasn’t until 1920 that an amendment to the United States Constitution made it a law that women would be allowed to vote.
Title Ix_1972 : Before 1972, public schools were not required to have sports for girls. Any education program had to provide equal sports opportunities for girls.
Red Scare 1947–57 , an extreme fear of all communists : Senator Joe McCarthy was taking advantage of people’s fears and he accused many decent Americans of being traitors to the United States.
1972_Cofounds the Women’s Rights Project, A division of the America Civil Liberties Union
Landmark Cases : Sharon Frontiero, an officer in the US Air Force
1980_President Carter appoints Ruth as a Judge on the US Court of Appeals in Washington, DC
1993_Nominated by President Bill Clinton for the Supreme Court
2015_Chief justice John Roberts – Voting Right Act
Congress Hears Ruth’s Dissent
- The Federal Courts :1.US Supreme Court 2. US Circuit Court of Appeals 13 Courts 3. US District Court 94 Courts
- Suprem Court: The justices have the final say on matters of law in the United States.
- Collars told a story : A judge’s Robe was designed for men to wear. So Ruth wore lace or beaded collars to give the robe some female flair. Beyound fashion, Ruth’s many collars “spoke” a language all their own. A white lace collar told people she agree with the winning side.

루스 베이더 긴즈버그에 대한 영화: On the Basis of Sex

사진 출처: https://www.rbgmovie.com/